This is my personal web page, where I present my research career. In this page you can find my research interests, the list of my publications, and the lists of events and courses I attended along my career.

About Me

In 2013, I started a double degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. A double degree is a special educational plan of 5 years that leads to the acquisition of both a Mathematics degree and a Computer Science degree, as well as their respective certificates. During this double degree I took an Erasmus studentship to the KTH University of Stockholm, in 2017. This same year I also started to collaborate with one of the research groups of my university: the Design and Testing of Reliable Systems (DTRS) research group, in order to develop my degree thesis.

I concluded my studies in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2018 with a degree thesis that obtained the highest mark. That same year, I joined a Master’s on Formal Methods on Computer Science, and continued my collaboration with the DTRS research group. My Master’s thesis also obtained the highest mark.

In 2019 I started my PhD on Computer Science, focused on the broad field of software testing. Specially, in the application of Information Theory and Artificial Intelligence to Software Testing. However, that was not my only research focus, and as a result of that I also have some work in other fields. During my PhD I made a stay at University College of London under the supervision of Prof. David Clark, and with funding from Facebook.

After my PhD I started working at Sano – Centre for Computational Medicine as a PostDoctoral Researcher. My work there focused on developing machine self-learning algorithms to generate knowledge graphs from self-reported data. A year later, I was hired by Avatar Cognition as a Strong-AI Researcher to develop an Artificial General Intelligence algorithm based on novel knowledge representation techniques.