Here are listed all the publications I produced along my research career. You can find the DBLP list of them here, and a list of my peer-review work can be found at my ORCID.
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Journal Publications
- Manuel Méndez, Miguel Benito-Parejo, Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Metamorphic Testing of Chess Engines. Information & Software Technology 162, pages: 107263.
- Alfredo Ibias, Varun Ravi Varma, Karol Capała, Luca Gherardini and Jose Sousa. SaNDA: a Small and iNcomplete Dataset Analyser. Information Sciences 640, pages: 119078.
- Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Squeeziness for non-deterministic systems. Information & Software Technology 158, pages: 107173.
- Antonio García-Domínguez, Francisco Palomo-Lozano, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo, Alfredo Ibias, Manuel Núñez. Computing performance requirements for web service compositions. Computer Standards & Interfaces 83, pages: 103664.
- Alfredo Ibias. Using mutual information to test from Finite State Machines: Test suite generation. Journal of Systems & Software 192, pages: 111391.
- Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. SqSelect: Automatic assessment of Failed Error Propagation in state-based systems. Expert Systems With Applications 174, pages: 114748.
- Alfredo Ibias, Manuel Núñez and Robert M. Hierons. Using mutual information to test from Finite State Machines: Test suite selection. Information & Software Technology 132, pages: 106498.
- Alfredo Ibias, Robert M. Hierons and Manuel Núñez. Using Squeeziness to test component-based systems defined as Finite State Machines. Information & Software Technology 112, pages: 132-147.
Conference Publications
- Alfredo Ibias, Guillem Ramirez-Miranda, Enric Guinovart and Eduard Alarcón. From Manifestations to Cognitive Architectures: A Scalable Framework. 17th Annual Artificial General Intelligence Conference, AGI’24, pages: 89-98, Springer.
- Manuel Méndez, Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Using Deep Learning to Detect Anomalies in Traffic Flow. 14th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, ACIIDS’22, pages: 299-312, Springer.
- Alfredo Ibias, Luis Llana and Manuel Núñez. Using Ant Colony Optimisation to Select Features having Associated Costs. 33rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems, ICTSS’21, pages: 106-122, Springer.
- Alfredo Ibias, Pablo Vazquez-Gomis and Miguel Benito-Parejo. Coverage-Based Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming Generation of Test Suites. 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC’21, pages: 2411-2418, IEEE Computer Society.
- Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Using a swarm to detect hard-to-kill mutants. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC’20, pages: 2190-2195, IEEE Computer Society.
- Alfredo Ibias and Luis Llana. Feature Selection using Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Software Product Line Testing. 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC’20, pages: 1-8, IEEE Computer Society.
- David Griñán and Alfredo Ibias. Generating Tree Inputs for Testing using Evolutionary Computation Techniques. 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC’20, pages: 1-8, IEEE Computer Society.
- Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Estimating fault masking using Squeeziness based on Rényi’s entropy. 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC ’20, pages: 1936-1943, ACM.
- David Griñán, Alfredo Ibias and Manuel Núñez. Grammar-based Tree Swarm Optimization. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC’19, pages: 76-81, IEEE Computer Society.
- Alfredo Ibias, David Griñán and Manuel Núñez. GPTSG: A Genetic Programming test suite generator using Information Theory measures. 15th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN’19, LNCS 11506, pages: 716-728, Springer.
- Alfredo Ibias. Supervised by Manuel Núñez. Applications of Information Theory and Artificial Intelligence to Software Testing. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2022.